So Once again, i have no teacher for my lit class. Huzzah. We are still reading Twain, and at the beginning of each chapter, there are little quotes that mimic Poor Richard's Almanack, but its hard trying to find their purpose.
ANYWAYS, so im sitting with my BEST FRIEND FOR LIFESES my dear Austin Scott (...yes, she is a girl...), and we are pondering on what these quote thing ACTUALLY MEAN. we have like 9 questions that are possibly impossible, if that makes any sense at all..... So we have been going to school together for like EVER, since we have been at this school for what feels like FOREVER (13 years to be exact) but we really became close in 7th grade and yea, YAY BACKGROUND STORIESSSS :-D She's one of those people i can be totally weird with, and she doest care, she just joins in, and vice versa. but yea pretty much we are the most fantasmigorically awesomely speshul people ever, in our opinion.
So I'm really happy that it's friday because it has been such a long week!! Who else is excited about thanksgiving? Cause I'm SO PSYCHED!! i mean really, its the one holiday where you can eat like a pig and no one judges you because they are doing it too. It makes me so happy.
but yeah, now i dont know what else to rant about.
P.S. Im on day one of my diet, WISH ME LUCK!!!
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