So I am a junior in high school at the moment, and it pretty much is hell on a stick with fire. lots and lots of fire.....
We have this class called American Studies, which is an interdisciplinary class of American History and American Literature, and it pretty much takes over my life right now. like whenever I'm not at the barn, i am studying..... so very much. As of right now, we are studying American realism and reading Puddin'head Wilson by Mark Twain, which so far is about how two kids, that look alike, are switched because one is technically a slave cause he has a minuscule amount of African American blood, even though he has blonde hair and blue eyes. Slavery.... really America? Anyway, so this book is really weird in my opinion, thoughts on this book?
So if anyone is really reading this blog, could you leave me a comment with your thoughts about American History/Literature? cause so far, not my favorite. Really, European history is so much more interesting! THEY FRICKEN BEHEAD THEIR RULERS!!! ...thats awesome. I mean, Salem Witch Trials were interesting, and i love Monty Python for doing the whole "And what do we burn?" "MORE WITCHES!!!" ...again Europe's history is more entertaining, Thank You Monty Python, and apparently they think very, very small rocks float. American History is so messed up! Finding "right" in slavery because God says the Sons of Cain are to be enslaved by the sons of Able, but honestly, it also says that GOD is the ONLY one that can hurt the sons of Cain. Okay, cooling off......
but yeah, thats my perspective... take it as you will....
Ciao Dahlings
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