Tuesday, December 7, 2010


It's that time of year again at my high school.... yep, that's right, EXAMS!!! THE TEST OF DEATHHHHH
Luckily this semester, i only have 3, but still, they are lame, am I right? I feel like this complaining about it is so typical of a high school student, especially a junior at my particular prep school because of the death of American Studies. Yes, i know that this is a frequent topic on this lovely blog, but whatever, its a big problem in my life right now.
So even though exam season is here, it also means that its Christmas season too, which i started "celebrating" in October because my chorus had to begin practicing for our Lessons and Carols service so very early in advance because everything had to be perfect and this, that, and the other, which i didn't mind too much because I usually always like the Lessons and Carols music that my teacher picks out. This year we had the pleasure of not only doing Eric Whitticre, but also the challenging beauty that it Bogoroditse Devo, AKA one of the most confusing Russian songs that i have ever done! it had two rows of text on each line, one in Russian, and one in the English alphabet for pronunciations. In my part as an Alto 1, we had to fit the word "chreva" which is pronounced "cherry-eh-vha" in the span of a quarter note and a sixteenth note. Such a tongue twister! Gotta love Rachmaninoff, right?
Anyway, so with Christmas time near, and the Charlie Brown Christmas special playing in the background, I bid all who read this a Very Merry Christmas, and if I don't get to blogging until after New Years, A Happy New Year too!

Much love, Katie

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